ProClean carpet cleaning service provides you with a The Best Job. Best Value by:
- using the Hot Water Extraction (HWE) methods recommended by carpet manufacturers, so that you get the very best cleaning method available.
- utilizing powerful, truck-mounted equipment for higher pressure, truly ‘hot’ water, and high vacuum extraction to remove the deepest soil and leave behind less moisture than portables and ‘surface’ cleaning techniques.
- employing RotoVac© power wand technology – providing you with tremendously increased fiber agitation, as well as significantly more jet & extraction passes per job than traditional hand wands.
- certifying our technicians with the IICRC so that industry leading knowledge is available to you for your peace of mind and protection.
ProClean has specialized tools & solutions so that you are assured of complete cleaning, from the obvious high-traffic areas to the not so apparent filtration soiling on the edges of your room.
ProClean treats your carpet as just one component of a total healthy-home philosophy. We are your air-quality specialists!
In-home estimates are always free…and our service is guaranteed with our free 4-week callback policy!
Your carpet is a very important component of your dwelling. It provides the warmth and style that make a house a home. But did you know that one of the most often overlooked benefits of carpet is its contribution to healthier indoor air quality.
From The Carpet And Rug Institute in Dalton, Georgia:
Carpet Keeps Allergens Out of the Air
There is a misconception that asthma and allergy sufferers should avoid carpet. In fact, the opposite is true. Studies have shown that carpet actually improves indoor air quality. It acts like a trap, keeping dust and allergens out of the air we breathe. Simply put, what falls to the carpet (dust, pet dander and many other particles) tends to stay trapped until it is removed through vacuuming or extraction cleaning. Smooth floor surfaces allow dust and other allergens to re-circulate into the breathing zone.
The Importance of Routine Maintenance
The most important element in maintaining good air quality in a home is to remove dust and soil often from all surfaces and to maintain a well-functioning heat and air system with effective, clean filters. Regular carpet maintenance is essential to preserve the carpet’s initial appearance and for maintaining good indoor air quality. Regular, proper vacuum cleaning with an effective, well-functioning vacuum cleaner that has strong air flow, adjustable brushes, and an enclosed high-efficiency filtration bag removes and traps indoor contaminants. Quick removal of spots and spills is important to avoid stains and fungal growth. Have carpet extraction cleaned every 12 to 18 months. Clean more often in high-traffic areas.
Combined with regular maintenance of your home’s HVAC system, a well-maintained carpet can provide a high level of indoor air purity that is sure to bring welcome relief for anyone suffering from respiratory ailments.
Regular maintenance of your carpet is critical to not only ‘empty the air filter’, but also to preserve your carpet’s original beauty. The soil that carpet fibers trap continually act as an abrasive on those fibers. Over time, this will degrade and break down the carpet fiber. The dark traffic areas in a worn carpet are a combination of soil and fibers degraded to the point where light will no longer reflect the same as it did before. Regularly scheduled carpet cleaning will ensure that this damaging soil will not get a chance to wear down your carpet’s fibers, ensuring many more years of life to your investment.
Carpet manufacturers recommend Hot Water Extraction (HWE) as the preferred method for deep carpet cleaning; some even requiring it every 12 months as a condition of maintaining warranty validity. HWE, or steam cleaning, is a service provided by trained professionals utilizing specialized equipment.
ProClean only uses truck mounted equipment that can provide the highest heat to break up the soil…the highest pressure to reach deeper into the carpet fibers…and the most powerful vacuum to pull it all back out of the carpet. We are professionally trained and certified to be able to determine the proper cleaning solutions to apply based upon your carpet’s fiber type, backing, and primary soil type.
ProClean also utilizes the latest technology in cleaning tools designed to take maximum advantage of our truckmount’s capabilities. For example, we use a RotoVac power wand instead of the traditional hand wand. The powered RotoVac unit provides a completely enclosed, counter-rotating set of spray/vacuum heads that trap the steam at the carpet. This provides for superior heat, agitation, and vacuum that gets your carpet cleaner and leaves it drier than a customary hand wand.